1) I love our amazingly long phone calls.
I’m never short on things to converse with her about.
2) I hate that her room has zilch reception.
3) I love that she is a beautiful person,
inside & out!
4) I hate that she has a tiny size 7 foot
& that we can never share shoes!
5) I love that she’s made me the best person,
I could possibly be!
6) I hate that she is forever walking around,
7) I love that she’s always there for me,
Whether it’s 4am in the morning
& I had a bad dream,
I’m drunk and completely legless
or short a cigarette.
8) I hate that she is the worst texter in the world.
9) I love that we’re both addicted to V drinks
10) Facebooking for hours at a time,
11) & each other.
12) I hate that she thinks her short hair style is horrible,
13) I love that she’s like the only person,
who can make me laugh & cry at the same time.
14) I hate that her smile is so extremely infectious.
15) I love that when we go out and party,
she dances her little ass off, ALL NIGHT!
16) I hate that she drunk texts
then complains about it the next day.
17) I love that we’re so different
18) I hate how she puts her hair behind
19) I love that her room is
20) I hate the noises she makes
21) I love that she’s loud
22) I hate that she cries at the end of every
23) I love that she’s great to talk to!
When my mind is muddled,
she can always set me straight.
She always knows the right things to say!
24) I hate how she is forever trying to change herself
When she and everything else is perfect as it is!
25) I love that she’s never judged or criticized me once;
26) I hate when sometimes she snorts when she laughs
27) I love that she knows me,
better than I know myself.
28) I hate that she’s little am I’m gigantic next to her.
29) I love the massive health kicks she has.
(the last like 2 days?)
30) I hate that when we spoon she hogs the blanket,
31) & tosses and turns every 2 minutes
32) and that she breathes near my ear!
33) I love her outlook on life:
Live everyday as if it’s your last!
34) I hate that she likes to go to sleep to
35) I love that she fully cleans her car
36) I hate that she doesn’t stand up for herself
37) I love chilling out in her car
38) I hate that she loves licorice all sorts!
They are totally feral.
39) I love the she can crack up laughing
40) I hate how she says “HUHHHH?”
41) I love that we share secrets
42) I hate that I’ve only had the pleasure of
I wish I’d met her sooner.
43) I love each moment spent with her!
44) I hate that I’ve lost my smoking partner.
But I do congratulate her on making
46) I hate that she showers old people
for her day job.
47) I love that she’ll always have my back!
Day in & day out.
48) I hate that she likes to eat that green, soggy stuff, asparagus?
49) & that she tried to force me to like it!
50) I love that I have a permanent place in her heart

"With true friends, even water
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